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P3 information Term 1

Welcome to Primary 3

Mrs King


    Please send your child to school each day with 2 pencils, a sharpener and eraser. Please also have their uniform clearly marked so they can be identified if lost.


   The children line up outside the door each morning. If parents wish to speak to me they are more than welcome to make an appointment through the office.


 Dinner Money should be sent in on Monday morning, this should be in an envelope with the child’s name. (£2.60 per day, £13.00 per week)


  P.E: will be on Thursday and Friday. P.E. kit consists of black shorts, white T-Shirt and black plimsolls. Please have all items of clothing marked clearly with your child’s name. Tracksuits may be worn on this day to make changing easier.


 Jewellery: watches only please. If earrings are worn they must be small studs which should be removed for P.E. days.


  Golden Time: This will again be on a Friday. Toys should be able to fit inside schoolbag.



   Primary 3 are now starting homework.

   The children have taken a note of this in their homework diary. The homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned on a Thursday.

  There will be reading and spellings each night. The children have been given a spelling’s jotter. They should write each spelling 3 times in this as encouraged in the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method.

  On Thursday nights the children are asked to revise their spellings for the week.



         Please listen to your child reading at this stage. It has been very

encouraging to see the improvement made by some children over the summer holidays as a result of parents reading with them.




   Healthy Snack


     Pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy snack. This might be a piece of fruit, yoghurt or a sandwich. Please ensure no nuts are brought into class. The primary seven pupils will be running  ‘P7 Inc’ which sells fruit bags at a cost of 30p per day.




          Our topics this term:



  • Full Stops and capital Letters
  • We will be talking about authors, illustrators, fiction and non-fiction.
  • We are encouraging the children to write independently. Please encourage the children at home to write a few sentences. We praise the children for having a try at more difficult words rather than correcting every mistake. This builds their confidence in writing.
  • Reading: The children still love to hear a story, please encourage reading for enjoyment by reading with your child. Ten minutes a day can make a huge difference.













  • Children should know number facts within 10 and become more confident with number facts up to 20
  • Recognise, read and write numbers to 20 and then 50
  • Know number after, before and between
  • sequencing numbers
  • 2d and 3d shapes
  • Time




World Around us: Growing Up

  • Ourselves ( label body parts)
  • Stages in life
  • The Skeleton
  • When I grow up I want to be…
  • People Who Help Us
  • Famous people
  • Looking after myself
  • Keeping Healthy
  • Autumn



                              We look forward to an enjoyable autumn  term    


                                                  Mrs King






