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P3 Maths Overview

This is an overview of the topics we would cover in Primary 3. 

It will help you know what we should be covering in class.

Remember every child has their own strengths and will not cover the same work. 

Each week we will concentrate on one or two areas but you can keep revising work we have already covered.

Remember we cover lots of the activities through practical work and investigation!

Get those weighing scales and jugs out in the kitchen!


P3 Maths Overview


  • Mentally add and subtract a single digits to/ from 20 using both counting back and counting on
  • Know number facts within of 20
  • Count forwards and backwards in 1’s , 2’s and 10’s within 100 to/from 0,
  • Count forwards and backwards in 5’s  within 100
  • Order a set of random numbers within 100, increasing and decreasing
  • Describe/explain patterns in number within 50/100.
  • Recognise odd and even numbers.
  • Mentally add a multiple of 10 to a multiple of 10, answers within 50 (eg 20 + 30)
  • Add and Subtract 10 and multiples of 10 from any number using the 100 grid
  • Understand place value within 100.  Be able to exchange from units to 10s & vice versa.
  • Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical addition TU
  • Develop a standard written method for vertical  addition TU
  • Use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical subtraction  TU
  • Develop a standard written method for vertical subtraction TU  within 100
  • Introduce the concept of multiplication as repeated addition of equal sets. (initially with sets of 2)
  • Know the value of coins within 20/50p and can exchange appropriately.
  • Can correctly work out how much is needed when buying 2 or more items.
  •  Know what change to expect  (within 20p)




  • Know sequence of days of the week, months and seasons.
  • Recognise  o’clock, half past, quarter past and to on analogue clock
  • Understand and use digital times – hour, half past and quarter past
  • Can relate events to specific times on the clock.
  • Appreciate the need for a standard unit of length, practical measuring in cm.
  • Order 3 or more objects with respect to capacity, practical measuring in litres and ml
  • Estimate and compare  weights of objects using non- standard units.
  • Appreciate the need for a standard unit of weight, practical measuring using scales



  • Sort 2d and 3d shapes, giving own reasons for sorting.
  • Recognise and name 2D shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon.
  • Discuss similarities and differences between 2D  shapes.
  • Recognise and name 3D shapes: cube, cuboid, sphere, pyramid and cylinder.
  • Know left and right hands,
  • Are confident in turning right and left in P.E.

Data Handling

  • Construct and interpret  block graphs to illustrate a chosen topic.
  • Construct and interpret simple bar charts, frequency axis labelled in ones.
  • Interpret information from constructed and given graphs  and charts:

             Venn, Tree, Carroll Diagrams,  Pictograms, Block Graphs and Bar Charts.





