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P6 Mrs Sands

Blue Peter Badge

Primary 6 have learnt about The Rainforests and deforestation this year. they wrote to Blue Peter explaining what they had learnt about The Amazon Rainforest and what they could do to protect the environment.  As a reward, each child received a Green Blue Peter badge.

Birthday Celebrations! 

We missed celebrating a lot of birthdays because of Lockdown, so today we had one big party to celebrate everyone turning 10! 

End of Term Fun Day

Fun at Tannaghmore Gardens

Sports Day 2021!

Primary 6 completed their class Sports Day today. Their races were, running, skipping, balancing a ball on a bat, balancing a quoit on their head, obstacle course, hopping with a bean bag between their knees and a team relay race. 

Everyone took part with great enthusiasm and cheered on their team members.  The sun shone too which made it even more enjoyable.

Pen Licence Recipients

Primary 6 Bake Off Competition


Well done to everyone who entered the class Bake Off to bake a Victoria sponge cake. 
Mila was our winner! 

Victorian Engineers

Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a Victorian engineer who built bridges, railway lines, tunnels and ships. Primary 6 learnt about Isambard and designed their own bridges. They made these out of paper and some were very successful. 

WAU and Art! 

William Morris was a famous artist during the Victorian era. Primary 6 did some excellent work to colour this page in the style he used. Lara was the winner of our class competition. She chose her colours really well and created an excellent piece of art. 

Accelerated Reader

Well done to Riley and Alex who have achieved their Accelerated Reader target. 

Sentinus visit P6

Sentinus visited our class today to make P6 aware of STEM topics and to help them understand the elements of flight such as aerodynamics and the impact of an object being streamlined.


The boys and girls really enjoyed designing and building their rockets but the most fun was had when we were in the playground launching them. 

Clean Hands Experiment. 

Our WAU topic is The Victorians and this week we have been learning about hospitals and the impact Florence Nightingale had on nursing as a profession for women and cleanliness of hospitals.  Today we completed an experiment with water, pepper and fairy liquid. The water represented our hands while the pepper represented germs and bacteria on our skin.  When we touched the pepper on the surface of the water it stuck to our fingers. Once we added soap to our hands we watched the pepper move away from our skin to the upside of the bowl.


We all really enjoyed this, even if we did have a few spillages!! 

Break The Rules Day! 

Primary 6 had great fun today with crazy hair, unhealthy snack, no uniform and an ice cream treat! 

Pen Licence

This week we had our first recipients of a ’Pen Licence’. Primary 6 need to show they can write neatly with few spelling mistakes to receive a pen to use in class.


Congratulations to our first two Pen Licence owners. 

Victorian Toys

In our World Around Us topic this term we are learning about The Victorians. We have been learning about toys which both rich and poor Victorian children played with. We made Jack in the Box and thaumatropes from paper as these were very popular toys for poor children. 

Understanding Volume

This week we learnt how to convert between millilitres and litres as well as reading the volume of water in a cylinder. 

Children’s Mental Health Week.
This week we have been thinking about songs, movies, places and funny stories that make us happy. We have made an effort to complete some fun activities with our families and get outside to enjoy our surroundings. We also designed a poster to show everything that makes us happy. 
Primary 6 Art!
We are learning about The Rainforest and have been following Draw with Rob to learn how to draw animals from the Rainforest. We hope you like our drawings of Toucans and sloths! We think they are fantastic. 
Primary 6 Working Hard At Home!
Fun In The Snow! 
Primary 6 children have had lots of fun enjoying the snow.  They have shown fantastic skill in building snowmen!

P6S enjoying their Christmas party, while watching a pantomime of 'Beauty and the Beast' by SRC.

Accelerated Reader Prize Winners


Well done Evie, Ellie and Marilyn.

Well done to Fionn, Ellie and Evie for getting a bronze mathletics certificate this week.

Primary 6 had a great time finishing off their Christmas wreaths.

We had a visit from Grace Black today. She talked to us about the importance of being organised, and taught us some study skills. 

Primary 6 having fun decorating their class Christmas tree and doing some Christmas art.

Mathletics Certificate Winners




Well done to Riley for getting a bronze certificate this week. 


Numeracy - Fractions  and 3-D Shapes.


P6 have been working very hard since August. They have been learning more about fractions and 3-D shapes.
