By now you will have received your home learning activity pack from school.
Most of your home learning tasks will be based on these activities, reinforced by useful videos (with links provided here on our class page) and interactive activities via Seesaw.
Parents feel free to mark the written work yourself but also I would love to see what you are doing from time to time by sending me a photo on Seesaw. If work is sent from the child’s account then it can be added to their work portfolio.
We understand that every child learns and works at their own pace and that family circumstances are all different, especially at the moment. Therefore, although a timetable has been provided, please work at a pace which suits you and your child. It is not a problem for work to be carried over to the next week if not completed.
The most important thing is to help your child enjoy the activities and feel positive about themselves! Allow your child to work for short periods of time, with breaks in between. If your child is finding any of the activities too difficult, do not allow your child to get stressed about it. Not all activities may suit your child's ability. Offer support and if needed, move on to an activity which you know they will enjoy.
I hope you do enjoy the work provided and please feel free to contact me on SeeSaw if you have any questions.
Best wishes!
Mrs Eakin