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P1/2 Mrs Brown

Welcome To P1/2

Mrs Brown (Teacher)

Mrs Crooks (Classroom Assistant)

Miss Monroe (SEN Assistant)

Sports Day

We battled the rain and had a successful sports day with our P1 and P2 classes. The boys and girls enjoyed taking part and all tried their best and enjoyed an ice lolly treat after wards. 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃🏽

Butterfly Release

We have had great fun and excitement watching our butterflies transform from caterpillars, into chrysalis’s and finally into beautiful butterflies. We enjoyed watching them fly off into the sky. 🐛🦋

World Book Day


We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters and a visit from a local author to read to us. 📚

P1/2 Class Information

Christmas Trip to The Treehouse

Halloween Fun

Outdoor Halloween Play

Our New P2 Play Area

We are delighted to have our covered play area in use for the new term. this will allow the children to participate in outdoor learning throughout the year!

Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall

To start this terms Topic 'Humpty and Friends' we began with our drawings of Humpty Dumpty. We have some very talented artists!

Girls IFA Football Workshop

The girls in the school were delighted to be invited to take part in a Girl's Football Day. From Primary One we attended a session on our 4G pitch. The children really enjoyed this opportunity and we hope some will consider joining the local girl's football clubs, perhaps we have some stars of the future!

Art Time!

Outside Play
