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On Thursday 5 March it was World Book day. P4 classes joined together to make an iMovie - Extreme Reading. We are hoping to upload to facebook or the web this space. We also took part in a quiz and it was great fun.

Our new topic in Literacy is Following and Writing Instructions. We began the topic with a blast from the past - Hopscotch. First we listened to the instructions for creating hopscotch and how to play it. Then we got some chalk and went outside to draw out our own hopscotch grids - it was great fun and we all listened very carefully!!

Today P4J and P4Q joined together to carve out pumpkins for Halloween. We wrote a set of instructions to explain how to carve a pumpkin, looking at our command verbs. We all had great fun taking part.

Today we had our first visit to the Library. We met Eleanor and Alan, the Librarians. They told us about Fiction Books and how to locate them in the Library - in alphabetical order of the authors surname. We were given an activity sheet to match the author to their book. We also heard a story about the Emperor Penguins. It was interesting to hear how the father penguin protects the egg for two months!

We have been studying adjectives in class. We had great fun thinking of adjectives to decribe our bedrooms, Mrs Jenkins also decribed her room! We also looked at different settings with our partners to decribe a familiar setting.
