A sign of hope and better things to come.
Keep up the great work everyone!
Fantastic Writers
Whilst at home our boys’ and girls’ have been perfecting their writing skills. They have been starting to use their phonics to sound out words and write more independently. What super work!
Home Learning Superstars
I can see that P1H have been very busy with their home learning. Mrs Dougan and I are so very proud of each and every boy, girl and parent who has been doing their very best with this challenging time. Don't forget to keep your photos coming through and I will be posting them below. We miss you very much but seeing your hard work puts a smile on our faces.
Outside Learning
P1H made the most of the lovely sunny weather and took our learning outdoors. We brought some chalk out with us and recapped all our sounds, wrote out names, played some number games and looked at o'clock times. What a great way to vary our learning!
World Book Day
We had an exciting day celebrating World Book Day. The children were dressed up as a character from their favourite book and many brought in a story to share with the class. We had lots of familiar characters and some new and interesting ones to discover. The children took part in fun book activities and we listened to lots of new stories together.
Pancake Tuesday
P1H were busy making yummy pancakes today. We mixed all our ingredients together and made our pancake batter then Mrs Hughes cooked them on her pan. Mrs Dougan and Miss Gillis helped us choose our delicious toppings. We had lots of tasty things to choose from.
Valentine’s Day
The boys and girls in P1H have been feeling the love this week with lots of Valentine’s Day activities. They have been creating cards, making playdough and writing in our valentine themed tray.
Snow Much Fun
P1H were out enjoying the snowy weather. We were writing our names in the snow, making big and little snowballs and we even made a teeny tiny snowman!
Buddy Reading
This term we having been taking part in buddy reading with P7 Mrs McComb's class. Each child in P1H is paired up with a P7 buddy who takes some time to share a story and chat to them about their week in class. This is a fantastic scheme for both the P1 and P7 children and helps them to form strong bonds.
Debutots Music and Drama
Primary 1H were very excited to invite Sarah from Debutots into our class to help learn about good mental health and being brave. The children took part in some singing, dancing and helped with some story telling.
🤶🏼Santa Claus is Coming to Town🎅🏼
P1 and P2 spent a magical morning at the Navan Centre in Armagh. The children enjoyed a short Christmas pantomime, a Christmas story, festive treats and snack and a craft activity. Of course the best part was meeting Santa and Mrs Claus in their beautiful cottage.
Super Shortbread
Mary Berry has nothing on the bakers in P1H. Today the children helped to make some delicious shortbread. They helped to sieve the flour, mix the ingredients and then chose a festive cookie cutter to create their shortbread shape. The best bit was getting to taste the finished product. Yummy!
Festive Fun
The Christmas spirit has landed in P1H. Our role play area has been transformed into Santa’s workshop and the children have been helping the elves. We have been making lots of crafts and decorations and have been enjoying some festive treats as well. ‘‘Tis the season to be jolly!”
Oats So Simple
P1H have been focusing on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been thinking about the characters and have even been trying our hand at some cooking! The boys and girls helped to make some of baby bear’s porridge but instead of Goldilocks tasting it they did! The children thought that the porridge was ‘just right’ and gobbled it all up.
Drumgor Post Office
Our new topic for Term1b is the ‘Post Office’. We have been learning about the important job that post men and women do, the journey a letter takes and post transport today and in the past. We have even made our own post office in the classroom! I can assure you that with these posties everything will arrive on time.
We Love Learning!
P1H love to try out their new skills and knowledge. We have been working through lots of fun practical activities to practise our phonics and numbers.
Halloween Fun in P1
P1Hu have been experiencing lot of Halloween Fun and activities this week. They have been carving pumpkins, making ghosts, matching shapes and of course our Halloween party.
Calm Critters
As part of our Shared Education programme we have been making friends with the children in Tullygally Primary Schools P1 class. Through the programme we have been looking at mindfulness and ways that we can get in touch with our emotions. Today we made some calm critters. We think they look wonderful and they can be a friend to tell our worries to.
On an Autumn Walk
Primary 1Hu went on an autumn walk around the school grounds to look at the lovely changes in the season. We noticed how the leaves were changing colour and some were beginning to fall. The children spotted some red berries on the trees and the apples on the apples trees in our little orchard.
We have been recapping over colours and are learning how to sort. Today we were sorting for blue and red.
Welcome to Primary 1! The children have been settling into school routines and getting used to their new surrounding. Be sure to check on our class page regularly to see what we have been getting up to. There are also useful websites, information and ideas on our page to help support your child during their time in P1Hu.