Welcome to P4J.
Welcome back after our Easter Break. I hope you are all well and have stayed safe. I also hope you got some Easter Eggs! We have had lovely weather the past two weeks and I hope you all have spent time out playing in your gardens.
We now begin Term 3 and unfortunately we are still not back at school. Every Monday we will post our learning activities for the week in our Home Learning Link star. Each day we will set out different tasks for you to complete, either from our home learning pack or on Google Classroom.
Please also continue to play Mathletics and continue to read and take your Accelerated Reader tests.
Also send me pictures of you taking part in your home learning activities and I will upload to our web page! It is lovely to see you working hard!
I will be sending out an email to your parents/guardians, outlining work for this term. I will be changing your passwords again tomorrow (Monday) as we have been having problems with them this year. Your user name remains the same and your password will now be - password5
It should be set by 10.30am on Monday 20 April.
Thank you all for your continued support this year and I really hope we will be back in our classroom really soon.
Stay safe and keep working hard for me
Lockdown doesn't stop the girls celebrating Eid (the end of Ramadan). The girls' auntie is originally from Pakistan and they decided to have a small garden party with their cousin to celebrate. This is the girls first time going to an Eid Celebration so it was something different and special. The girls wore their traditional Pakistan dresses and sampled some beautiful Pakistan cuisine. They had a great time and look lovely in their dresses.
Our zoom call
Achievements for week 5
Mathletics - Well done Isla in 6th place with 6193 points and Joshua in 10th place with 5210 (in the whole school!)
Well done P4, we are still 3rd on the leader board for Mathletics with 25,553 points. Keep up the super work!
Today is our last day before our Easter break. Tradition in Drumgor is to have an Easter Assembly, but as we have to "Stay Away", Mr Calvert kindly put together an Assembly and posted it on Facebook. Please take time with your family to watch this special Easter message.
I just want to wish you all a Happy Easter and please stay safe!
Achievements for week 4
Accelerated Reader - Well done Ruby you have completed 10 quizzes scoring 100% in each test.
Well done Jake you have completed 20 quizzes scoring 100% in each test.
Mathletics - Well done Cody in 7th place with 6076 points and Joshua in 10th place with 5210 (in the whole school!)
Well done P4, we are 3rd on the leader board for Mathletics with 30,361 points. Keep up the super work!
Achievements for week 3
Accelerated Reader - Well done Milario you have completed 10 quizzes scoring 100%
Mathletics - Well done Isla in 10th place with 3212 points!
Well done P4, we are 3rd on the leader board for Mathletics with 22,289 points. Keep up the super work!