Primary 3K
Mrs King and Mrs Buchannan
Well done everyone! These were fantastic! I hope you all enjoyed the reading activities on Seesaw and listening to the read-a-long stories.
Well done P3K in our Mathletics Challenge!
Heidi and Emmy were top in our class.
P3K had the second highest score in the school!
We were 11th in the top 50 UK schools table!
Welcome to Primary 3
Mrs King & Mrs Buchanan
The P3 School Day!
Please arrive between 9.00 am and and 9.05 am.
You will be going home between 1.50 and 1.55 pm.
Now we are well into the school routine we plan to send written homework home on a Monday.
This should be returned on Thursdays so we can quarantine the books, mark and resend the following Monday.
Reading books should be brought into school each day for classwork.
Many of our reading books are now available via the Collins app.
School bags would be a good idea for bringing books back and forth from school but I am letting the parents decide on this.
Please continue to bring in Dinner Money and snack money in on Mondays, this has been very successful so far!
Mrs King
Christmas Spellings Challenge
For our Christmas Spellings challenge we gave the children 28 tricky Christmas words. This was a huge success with all the children making a great effort. Congratulations to Olly and Emmy who scored the maximum 28 with Charlie following close behind on 27!
Well done everyone.
Emmy Scores Gold!
Well done to Emmy on gaining her Gold Mathletics certificate!
Great work Emmy!
Christmas Card Design
The pupils have completed our Christmas card designs and we are looking forward to receiving the finished produce. Thank you to all who supported this projects as it has raised much welcome funds for the school.
Anti-Bullying Week
Well Done to Poppy Ray for her super design during Anti-bullying Week.
In a diplomatic way our class voted for their favourite design and this was the clear winner!
Children In Need Nov 13th
P3 had a great day raising money for Children In Need. We especially enjoyed joining Joe Wicks in the final 30 minutes of his 24 hour workout. Thank you for your very kind donations.