Welcome to P5/6 with Mrs Jenkins and Mr Speers.
I hope you enjoy your year in Primary 5 and 6 and enjoy all the learning experiences planned you for.
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and are ready for the activities and learning in Term 3! Mrs Breen will be with us for the next six weeks as Mr Speers completes his Teaching Practice in P7McC.
Remember the Easter Raffle tickets are now on sale from Mrs Jenkins. 1 ticket 50p or 3 for £1.
World Book Day will now be celebrated on Friday 16th March. Please dress as your favourite character and bring your book with you.
Please remember we are off school on Monday 19th March for St. Patrick's Day. Children also go home early on Thursday 22nd March at 12.30pm and school finishes on Friday 23rd March at 12.30pm for the Easter holidays.
Remember to log into Mathletics - every point counts towards gaining your certificates!!
Well done Lily, Benny and Dimitar for gaining their first silver certificate in Mathletics. Keep you the good work!
Swimming will begin on Wednesday 10th January. Please ensure that your child comes to school with their swimming kit, £1 and a coat.