Home Page

Miss Gates

Welcome to Primary 2G

Teacher: Miss Gates

Assistant: Miss Harvey

Please remember to send in a healthy snack for your child. Fruit is also sold in school for 25p every morning.



P.E is on Mondays and Fridays.


Library is on Tuesdays, please ensure your child brings back their Library Book every week so that they can change their book.


Golden time is on Fridays.


Please encourage your child to use Mathletics every night to help with their learning. The more activities they do the more points they will get and they will receive an award!





Our First day in Primary 2

Elmer Dice Game

Handas Surprise

Halloween Chocolate Apples

Ticking Clocks!

We made clocks today with moving hands.

P2 Christmas trip to Parkanaur



Paired Reading with Primary 5

Every Friday primary 5 read us different stories. We love hearing all the stories, we really enjoy it!

Our 2018 Calendars

We're going on a bear hunt


We had a great time on the 24th of January going on our bear hunt. We had to find clues to help us find all the hidden bears. We all had good fun!


Still image for this video




P2G have all been doing Mathletics and getting lots of points. We are having fun and learning too.

The more activities we do the more points we get and points get us a Bronze, Sliver or Gold award. These are some of our winners so far!

Go P2! smiley


Our Super Mathletes!


We had a Teddy Bears Picnic!

We had a Teddy Bears picnic today with the other P2 class. The children helped make the decorations and prepare the food. We had sandwiches shaped like Teddy Bears, sweets, popcorn and lots more! All the boys and girls really enjoyed it! The children sat with their friends listening to the teddy bears picnic song and having fun! We invited Mrs Mckeown down to our Teddy Bears picnic and she really enjoyed it! Great way to end our Bear topic smiley

World Book Day!

Friday 16th March 2018


For Easter the children made Easter bunny cones, they got two chocolate eggs and a chick inside each one. The children really enjoyed making them!

We also made Easter chocolate nests. The children had to break up bits of chocolate and put into a bowl they then had to crush shredded wheat and mix all in together. The children then had to make them into a shape like a nest, then we put them into the fridge so that they would set and the children got to bring them home! They all enjoyed this and it was such a fun activity!

They looked and tasted yummy!

Our P2 play on

the Enormous Turnip!
