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P4 Mrs Jenkins

Well done to our 1/4 millionaire reader! So proud of you.

Welcome to P4J's class page.

Your teacher is Mrs Jenkins and your classroom assistant is Mrs Plawecki


Welcome to our class page
In Literacy we are looking at instructions. Today we were given verbal instructions to complete a paper chain following a pattern. We worked in our teams and it was great fun. Mrs Jenkins can use our chains to decorate our classroom.

This was Maths Week and we had great fun learning new skills.

Election Day

Today we ‘pitched’ our manifestos for School Council. Mrs Jenkins was very proud of us because we were so brave and spoke out in front of our peers. All our ideas were fantastic.

Afterwards we all voted for a boy and a girl to represent our class on the School Council. Well done!

Golden mile fun! 

Numeracy- Place Value

In primary 4 we are learning about place value. We enjoy using the Base 10 equipment to help us learn this new concept.
