Welcome to Primary 3E (O'H)
Be sure to check on our class page regularly to see what we are getting up to!
Teacher: Mrs Eakin (Maternity cover for Mrs O'Hara)
Classroom Assistants: Miss Stevenson & Mrs Chambers
Primary 3 Flower Wall Gardening Project
Practical Numeracy
We progressed from counting sets of objects by making groups of 10, to using practical materials to demonstrate the value of numbers in terms of tens and units. We then used our knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical TU addition and subtraction, before moving on to using a written method.
Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper Day in Primary 3!
We had such a fun-filled busy day singing songs, learning a Christmas poem, making Christmas Rudolph decorations, designing our own Christmas jumpers, watching a Christmas film and eating our Christmas dinner! Miss Stevenson and Mrs Chambers even joined in the festivities too, dressing up as Mrs Claus and Santa's elf!
Christmas Tree Art in Primary 3!
'Having a ball' making our Christmas Cards!
'The Owl who was afraid of the dark'
We have been finding out all about barn owls in our literacy work this week and are reading 'The owl who was afraid of the dark' as our class novel. After sketching and painting owls indoors, the boys and girls decided to use their chalks and try drawing their owls outdoors too. Great idea boys and girls. Budding artists in the making!
Children in Need
Joe Wicks 'Five to Thrive' Five Minute Move Sessions!
We joined Joe Wicks for his Five Minute Move Sessions each day this week and participated in the Children in Need 'Five to Thrive' activities which focused on boosting our physical and mental wellbeing. We enjoyed tuning in on Friday morning to join in the end of Joe's 24 hour P.E. challenge. We couldn't believe Joe had been exercising for 24 hours as we were exhausted after 15 minutes!!!!!!
Autumn leaf collecting for our leaf rubbings!
Primary 3 enjoyed a walk in the lovely Autumn sunshine to collect leaves that we could use for our leaf rubbings. We observed how the leaves were changing colour and used the same autumn colours to create our leaf rubbings.
P3E Self-Portraits
Our topic this term is All About Me! Look at our fantastic self-portraits using sketching and painting techniques.