Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 22nd June
Please note that we have given you lots of extras activities for this week. These activities are for you to access until the end of the Term (Tuesday 30th June). Do not worry about completing them all this week. They are provided for you to choose from and at a time that suits you over the remaining days of Term 3.
In addition to the activities suggested below, please feel free to complete any other activities left in your home learning pack.
Reading - Please continue to read as much as possible, it is very important. You will find reading resources under the ‘Useful links' page on the school website. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - We have completed our spelling programme for P3. For the remainder of Term 3 we will be revising all the P3 high frequency words. A list of the high frequency words are uploaded to Google Classroom for you to access. You could split the words into groups and revise a group a day. Why not ask an adult or sibling to test you on the group of spellings at the end of each day and make a note of any spellings you found difficult to spell. These should be the spellings you focus on over the summer.
Mental Maths – Continue to enjoy accessing your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password. These are both fantastic resources to use at home to practise instant recall of known number facts.
Literacy- This week we will be revising all the punctuation we have been learning about in P3. A worksheet has been added to the Google Classroom with a story about Morris the Martian. However, the punctuation thief has ruined the story. Can you replace all the capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks and speech marks for him?
Maths – This week we will be focusing on measuring length using centimetres (cm). You could estimate and measure the length of items around your house using a ruler or measuring tape. A recording table has been added to our Google Classroom if you wish to record your work. To challenge yourself, why not compare the length of items around your house e.g. what is the difference in length between your pencil and rubber? What is the difference in height between your table and chair? What else could you compare?
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - It is great to see how much you are all enjoying learning about Minibeasts. This week I would like you to complete the two activities left in your booklet at home ‘All About Butterflies’ and ‘All About Snails’. Please Read the information carefully before answering the questions in full sentences.
Please check our class page on the website and the Google Classroom regularly to keep up to date with resources and messages. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 15th June
Reading - The most important thing for you to do is read. When you start P4 we will be looking at how much progress you have made and will be sorting out the reading groups. You will find reading resources under the ‘Useful links' page on the school website. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 32 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password. These are both fantastic resources to use at home to continue to practise instant recall of known number facts.
Literacy- This week we will be focussing on ‘Homophones’ (words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling). Worksheets have been added to the Google Classroom for ‘Their or There’ and ‘Are or Our’ with explanations and examples to help you. I have also added some links to other resources you might find interesting.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on adding money and calculating change from 20p, 50p and £1. Worksheets have been added to our Google Classroom. For some practical work, you could practise counting money and giving change by setting up your own little ‘shop’ role play at home.
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - This week we will be continuing with our work on ‘Minibeasts’. We will be learning about Minibeast habitats. Please check our Google Classroom for information and worksheets. For an additional activity, why not try creating your own minibeast hotel with resources you can find in your garden. There are also ideas uploaded to help you with this or you can research your own minibeast hotel ideas on the internet. You could possibly record (either on paper or take photos) what minibeasts come to stay in your hotel over the next couple of weeks.
Road Safety Activity - I have uploaded an activity to google Classroom for you to revise Road Safety Rules. If you have access to a printer, you can print this out and complete. If not, why not create your own Road Safety poster using this document as a guide.
Please check our class page on the website and the Google Classroom regularly to keep up to date with resources and messages. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 8th June
Art - P3O'H will be having their 'Snapshot Day' on the Facebook page tomorrow, Tuesday 9th June. Mrs Hughes wants examples of our Minibeast art to post to show everyone how well we are getting on with home learning. If you haven't already, please send a photo of you holding your artwork to my email address ( or upload to Google Classroom by the end of today, Monday 8th June, at the latest. You can use pencils, paint or even create it on the computer electronically. Or why not try to make a model of your favourite minibeast using paper, card or other items around your house, garden or from your recycling. Use the images on Google Classroom or research your own favourite minibeast images on the internet to help make your minibeast look as close to the real thing as possible. Look carefully at the size, shape, colour and other small details to include in your artwork. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and models that I have already received.
Reading - Continue to read as much as possible. You will find reading resources under the ‘Useful links' page on the school website. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 31 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password. These are both fantastic resources to use at home to continue to practise instant recall of known number facts.
Literacy- This week we will be focussing on ‘Adjectives’. Worksheets have been added to the Google Classroom. Please follow this link,, to learn more about adjectives. To promote more reading, you could also write a retelling of a story of our choice. Choose a book to read and when you are finished, you could write the story in your own words. Remember to use capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks, story language, adjectives etc. to make your writing interesting for the reader. I would like you to try this on paper (perferably lined) so that you are practising your best handwriting. You can also illustrate your writing if you would like. Please either email a picture of your work or upload it to Google Classroom.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to any number up to 100 e.g. 47 + 10, 32 +40, 98 - 30 etc. As a mental starter each day, why not challenge yourself on the Topmarks Daily Ten game with adding and subtracting multiples of 10.You will also find worksheets on our Google Classroom. For another great game please follow this link We will also be revising ‘Left/right Turns’. Please access the Google Classroom for the ‘Pirate Treasure’ challenge to practise this.
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - This week we will be continuing with our work on ‘Minibeasts’. Please log into our Google Classroom where you will find MInibeast powerpoints, comprehension, song, poem and ‘Guess the Minibeast’ game for you to access. Why not learn the song and poem and perform it for your family?
Please check our class page on the website and the Google Classroom regularly to keep up to date with resources and messages. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 1st June
Reading - Continue to read as much as possible. You will find reading resources under the ‘Useful links' page on the school website. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 30 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password. These are both fantastic resources to use at home to continue to practise instant recall of known number facts. Please keep practising.
Literacy- Please complete the last two pages of your Punctuation and Grammar booklet where you will be revising nouns and verbs. We will also be focusing on ‘Plurals of Nouns’ this week. A worksheet and explanation has been added to the Google Classroom. For your comprehension work this week, please complete the ‘All About Butterflies’ comprehension in your booklet and ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’ on Google Classroom. Please read each text and questions carefully before answering in full sentences.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on doubling and halving of numbers.You will find worksheets and a powerpoint on our Google Classroom. You could also follow this link, to have fun playing doubling and halving games on Topmarks like ‘Dartboard Doubling and Halving’. We will also be focusing on measuring and estimating weight. Why not have some fun measuring and estimating different objects around your home. You could compare the weight of different objects; which is the heaviest/lightest? You could order objects from the heaviest to lightest. I have uploaded a table template to Google Classroom, along with additional weight worksheets for you to access.
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - This week we will be moving onto work on ‘Minibeasts’. This is a really fun part of our topic where we would have been going outside searching for minibeasts around our school. Why not do some exploring out in your garden or when on a family walk? Please explore the Powerpoints on Minibeasts before completing the worksheets on our Google Classroom.
Art - As an art project linked to our topic work, why not create your favourite minibeast? You can create it anyway you want. You could use pencils, paint or even create it on the computer electronically. Or why not try to make a model of your favourite minibeast using paper, card or other items around your house or from your recycling. Use the images on Google Classroom or research your own favourite minibeast images on the internet to help make your minibeast look as close to the real thing as possible. Look carefully at the size, shape, colour and other small details to include in your art. Please send a photo of you holding your artwork to my email address or upload to Google Classroom. These may be used for our ‘Class Snapshot’ post on Facebook next week. I will look forward to seeing your beautiful creations.
Please check our class page on the website and the Google Classroom regularly to keep up to date with resources and messages. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Tuesday 26th May
Reading - Continue to read as much as possible. You will find reading resources under the ‘Useful links' page on the school website. When you finish reading a book why not write about your favourite part of the book/ character, record questions you would like to ask your favourite character, complete a Word Wizard activity or write a book review. You will find templates for these activities on our Google Classroom. Well done to all the children who have been on ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ over the last couple of weeks and building up points towards achieving a certificate. A particular mention needs to go to Ben who is the first person in our class to achieve a certificate for his efforts. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 29 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Both Mathletics and 10ticks are both fantastic resources to improve your mental maths through fun and interactive games and challenges. Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password. Well done to Martin and Anderson on achieving a Gold Certificate for Mathletics and to Mason who is currently in 4th place in Drumgor’s Top Scorers. Also, well done to Lewis for achieving a certificate on 10Ticks. Keep up the great work boys.
Literacy- Please complete the next two pages of your Punctuation and Grammar booklet. You will need to sort rhyming words into groups and then sort the wild animals. We will also be focusing on using commas this week. A worksheet and video has been added to the Google Classroom for you to access. I have also added two comprehensions, one on ‘ The books of Roahl Dahl’ and one on ‘The Life Cycle of a Sunflower’. Please read the text and questions carefully before answering in full sentences.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on column subtraction with borrowing and I have added a worksheet to our Google Classroom. To help you, please follow this link, where the video will explain the step by step process. Remember, if the number on the top row is smaller than the number underneath that you are subtracting, you will need to 'borrow' a ten from the next column. This is a new method of addition for P3 and will be revisited in great detail when we all return to school, so please don't worry if you are finding it difficult. We will also be focusing on measuring and estimating capacity. Why not have some fun out in the garden or over the sink/ bath measuring and estimating capacity with different size containers, cups and bottles. How many of a small container ( like a cup) does it take to fill a big container? Estimate and then measure by counting how many it takes. Can you estimate and then check how many cups can be poured out of a large container? Which containers hold the most , the least or the same as another container? Why not estimate and then measure to see if you were correct. If you have a measuring jug, you could measure how much water each container holds. Is it in litres or millilitres?I have uploaded a table template to Google Classroom if you would like to record some of your work. There is also a worksheet on measuring in millilitres for you to access. Read the scale carefully to write how much water is in each jug.
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - This week we will be focusing on Growing Fruit and Vegetables. Please complete the worksheets on Wheat and Fruit Farms in your booklet. A writing activity on ‘Favourite Fruit or Vegetable’ has also been added to our Google Classroom for you to access. Please choose your favourite fruit or vegetable, research your choice and make a fact file. You can add facts like where and when it grows, what conditions it needs to grow etc. You can add illustrations to your work too. I have uploaded a template to Google Classroom where you can complete it directly onto the document. Alternatively, you can complete it on paper and send a photo of your work.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning. There are also additional resources uploaded to our Google Classroom for you to access. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. If you would like to make an appearance on the school Facebook page on Friday afternoon, please send me photographs for you working hard throughout the week and I will forward them to Mrs Quinn to add to her Friday Facebook post. Photographs must be sent by Friday morning. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 18th May
Reading - Continue with your free access to Collins Big Cat Books and the other reading resources available in ‘Useful links' page on the school website. When you finish reading a book why not write about your favourite part of the book/ character, record questions you would like to ask your favourite character, complete a Word Wizard activity or write a book review. You will find templates for these activities on our Google Classroom. Well done to all the children who have been on ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ over the last couple of weeks and building up points towards achieving a certificate. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to Read click this link,, and type your first name.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 28 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Both Mathletics and 10ticks are both fantastic resources to improve your mental maths through fun and interactive games and challenges. Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password.
Literacy- Please complete the next two pages of your Punctuation and Grammar booklet (the booklet that begins with the alphabet worksheets). You will need to unjumble sentences to match the pictures and sort rhyming words into groups. I have also added a quiz to Google Classroom where you will be asked to choose either ‘was’ or ‘were’ to complete the sentences. A comprehension and writing activity on ‘Water Woman: Superhero’ has also been added to our Google Classroom for you to access. Read the text carefully and answer the questions in full sentences.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on column addition with carrying and I have added a worksheet to our Google Classroom. To help you, please follow this link, where the video will explain the step by step process. This is a new method of addition for P3 and will be revisited in great detail when we all return to school, so please don't worry if you are finding it difficult. We will also be revising time and odd/even numbers. Please complete the two time pages in your maths booklet and I will also add some time resources to our Google Classroom. Please follow the link for revision of odd and even numbers.
WUA Topic 'Living Things in Northern Ireland' - This week we will be continuing to focus on grouping animals and animal facts. I have put worksheets, a powerpoint and information posters up on our Google Classroom for you to access. In addition, we will be learning about the story of milk. Please watch the Powerpoint first. You should have a worksheet in your topic booklet which provides you with a step by step picture sequence of the process. Please write a sentence to match each picture. Your sentences can be completed on the back of the worksheet in your booklet. Alternatively, I have uploaded a version to our Google Classroom where you can type your sentences directly onto the document.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning. There are also additional resources uploaded to our Google Classroom for you to access. Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. If you would like to make an appearance on the school Facebook page on Friday afternoon, please send me photographs for you working hard throughout the week and I will forward them to Mrs Quinn to add to her Friday Facebook post. Photographs must be sent by Friday morning. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 11th May
You have until 6pm today to register for the Healthy Kidz 'Virtual Sports Day'.
We are encouraging as many of our pupils as possible to sign up. Our children can compete against each other and record their results in the Healthy Kidz App.
You can sign up here:
Please click the link below for more information
Reading - Please read as much as you can. Continue with your free access to Collins Big Cat Books and the other reading resources available in ‘Useful links' page on the school website including the 'Teach Your Monster to Read'. Remember, to access Teach your Monster to read click this link,, and type your first name.
I have added resources to our Google Classroom under a heading ‘Reading’ that you might want to complete when you finish reading a book. You might want to write about your favourite part of the book/ character, record questions you would like to ask your favourite character, complete a Word Wizard activity or write a book review. Why not choose one activity a week to complete on a book of your choice.
Also, I have added a list of P3 high frequency words to Google Classroom for you to practise reading and spelling.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 27 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – This week we will be focusing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and revising our times table facts. For this week's focus, along with other mental maths practise, please access the Mathletics and 10ticks websites. Both Mathletics and 10ticks are also fantastic resources to improve your mental maths. Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your Mathletics username and password.
Literacy- In your Punctuation and Grammar booklet (the booklet that begins with the alphabet worksheets), please complete the next two pages where you will be asked to describe animals and write sentences to complete a story. We will also be focusing on past tense verbs this week, so I have also added two worksheets on 'Past Tense Verbs' onto Google Classroom for you to access.
Additional creative writing resources have been added to our Google Classroom for you to have some fun with. You should be able to write directly onto the document. Alternatively, you can record your work with pencil and paper if you prefer.
Maths – This week we will be focusing on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and revising our times tables facts. Please complete the two counting money pages in your Maths booklet. I have also added some Times Table worksheets to our Google Classroom for you to complete. For additional practise, please visit for some great times tables games. You could also have a go at counting items in groups around your house, by counting in 2s, family's fingers and toes by counting in 5s or 10s etc.
WUA Topic - Our 'World Around Us' topic for this term is 'Living Things in Northern Ireland'. This week we will be focusing living things, animals in Northern Ireland and food from animals. Please feel free to research this topic at home as much as possible using animal books and internet. I have also put a few worksheets, powerpoint and information posters up on our Google Classroom for you to complete. As an additional activity, you could choose your favourite animal from Northern Ireland and create a fact file or poster to display everything you have learnt about that animal.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning including Joe Wicks daily P.E. workouts, reading with David Walliams, Maths with Carol Vorderman and much more. There are also additional resources uploaded to our Google Classroom for you to access.
Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. If you would like to make an appearance on the school Facebook page on Friday afternoon, please send me photographs for you working hard throughout the week and I will forward them to Mrs Quinn to add to her Friday Facebook post. Photographs must be sent by Friday morning. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for the week beginning Monday 4th May
Reading - free access to Collins Big Cat Books using link in ‘Useful links' in our class page on the school website. Please read as much as possible within your current reading level/band. You could possibly ask an adult to read with you and ask you questions afterwards to test your comprehension (understanding). I have added resources to our Google Classroom under a heading ‘Reading’ that you might want to complete when you finish reading a book. You might want to write about your favourite part of the book/ character, record questions you would like to ask your favourite character, complete a Word Wizard activity or write a book review. Why not choose one activity a week to complete on a book of your choice.
Teach your Monster to Read is another great website and reading resource that you could be using at home to improve your phonics, reading and sentence comprehension through fun games. I have created an individual login for you all.
Instructions - Please click on this link to bring you to P3O'H on the website, (I have also added the link to 'Useful Links' for easy access). If you are using the app you will need to set the star code to 5700133. Then you will just need to type your first name and you should be logged in and ready to have fun playing the games.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 26 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – Instant recall of number facts is a skill that needs to be regularly practised. We would have been practising this every day in class. I would suggest that you get an adult or older sibling to challenge you each day. Try to give the answers as quick as you can. You might want to even time how many you can answer in a minute and then try to beat your score each day. This will keep your number facts fresh in your head and will help you with more difficult maths problems.
Number Facts for instant recall to practise week
▪︎Number bonds to 10 (ways to make 10)
▪︎ Addition up to 10 ( ways to make 7, 8, 9 etc.)
▪︎Subtraction up to 10
▪︎ Number Bonds to 20 (ways to make 20)
▪︎ Addition up to 20 (ways to make 14, 15, 16 etc.)
▪︎Subtraction up to 20
Both Mathletics and 10ticks are also fantastic resources to improve your instant recall of number facts and mental maths. Access your Mathletics and 10ticks accounts at home using your mathletics username and password.
Literacy- I have uploaded a worksheet to our Google Classroom named ‘All about Giraffes’, where you will be asked to use the words in the word box to help you fill in the missing words in the sentences. You should be able to write directly onto the document. Alternatively, you can record your work with pencil and paper if you prefer. I have also added a comprehension to our Google Classroom named ‘Octopus' . Please read the text carefully and then answers the questions in full sentences.
Punctuation and Grammar- In your Punctuation and Grammar booklet (the booklet that begins with the alphabet worksheets), please complete the next two pages where you will be focusing on unjumbling sentences, capital letters, full stops and nouns. I have also added a worksheet on Verbs onto Google Classroom where you will be asked to identify and add verbs to sentences.
Maths – We will be focusing on block graphs. You will be asked to read information from block graphs and answers questions. I have added some block graph worksheets to our Google Classroom for you to complete. You could also have a go at collecting information from friends and family to make your own block graph at home e.g. everyone’s favourite colour or food. I have also added an ‘Addition within 20’ worksheet and a ‘Subtraction within 20’ worksheet for extra practise of number facts for instant recall.
Shape and space– Please identify half and quarter of 2D shapes around your home and garden. Revise directional language e.g. left and right turns, half turns, quarter turns, three quarter turns. You might want to make a game using directions e.g. one family member could close their eyes and another member could call out directions to direct them from A to B. Please consider healthy and safety during games like this.
Phonics booklet and Spring Maths Revision booklet - these are additional resources for you. Please work through these booklets if and when it suits you over the coming weeks.
Topic work – Continue learning about Spring by completing the last couple of pages of your Spring booklet on the ‘Life Cycle of a Butterfly’.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning including Joe Wicks daily P.E. workouts, reading with David Walliams, Maths with Carol Vorderman and much more. There are also additional resources uploaded to our Google Classroom for you to access.
Daily Challenges - Daily Challenges are continuing this week on the school Facebook page. This week's theme is Art.
Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. If you would like to make an appearance on the school Facebook page on Friday, please send me photographs for you working hard throughout the week and I will forward them to Mrs Quinn to add to her Friday Facebook post. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for week beginning Monday 27th April
Google Classroom – Now that we have our new class password for My School and Google Classroom, hopefully everyone should be able to get logged in. Thank you to all the children who logged in last week and accessed the resources available. If you haven’t already, please follow the step by step instructions on the class page on the school website to access our online classroom. If you are still having difficulty logging in, please email me using the email address provided in the learning pack.
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 25 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Mental Maths – I have set you all up with a login for where you can play a variety of different games and challenges to improve your mental maths. It seems to be a lot of fun so please give it a go. Your login details (username and password) are the exact same as your Mathletics logins. If you need reminded of your login details please email me using the email address provided in the learning pack.
Reading - free access to Collins Big Cat Books using link in ‘Useful links' in our class page on the school website. Please read as much as possible within your current reading level/band. You could possibly ask an adult to read with you and ask you questions afterwards to test your comprehension (understanding). Why not even write a book review when you finish reading a book? I have uploaded a book review template our Google Classroom to either print out and fill in or use it to help you design your own on paper.
Literacy- This week we will be focusing on story writing. You could write your own story/ stories and illustrate (draw pictures) your work. I have uploaded a writing template to our Google Classroom where you can type your story directly onto the document. You can then draw pictures and upload them with your story on the classroom. However, if you would prefer to write and illustrate your story on paper, that is also fine. You can take a photo of your work and upload it to our Google Classroom.
Punctuation and Grammar- In your Punctuation and Grammar booklet (the booklet that begins with the alphabet worksheets), please complete the first 4 pages on alphabet practise and then complete the first punctuation worksheet. You will need to add capital letters, full stops and finger spaces to the sentences. I have had some very positive feedback about the ‘Small Town Superheroes’ game (link). For extra practise, please feel free to continue enjoying playing this game.
Maths – We will be focusing on column subtraction (subtracting tens and units) this week. This will be without borrowing. Remember to start with subtracting the units and then the tens to find your answer. I have added a video link to help explain this ( Have a go at trying some column subtraction at home on pencil and paper. You could even be creative and think of other ways to record your work like using chalk out in your garden etc. I have added a worksheet to our Google Classroom for you to complete and return to me at your leisure.
Shape – Please revise the names and properties (how many sides, faces and corners) of 3D shapes. You could go on a shape hunt around your house and garden. Then please complete the two shape pages in your Maths booklet. There are also additional shape resources on our Google Classroom for you to access if you wish.
Fractions- Please find ways of practising finding half of shapes and numbers at home. There are extra resources on our Google Classroom that you can access if you wish.
Spring booklet – Continue learning about Spring by completing the next two pages of this booklet. Label the parts of the flower and butterfly and colour.
Mathletics – Lets see if we can give our Mathletics an extra big push this week. Access your Mathletics account at home and try build up points towards achieving certificates. Let’s see if P3O'H children can enter the top 10 in the school this week for their efforts. Top achievers and classes will be announced every Friday on the school Facebook page.
Phonics booklet – This is an additional resource for you. Each child will be at different stages through this booklet, so revise previous sounds completed throughout the booklet and complete the booklet at your own pace over the coming weeks.
Spring Maths Revision booklet – This is an additional resource for you. Please work through this booklet if and when it suits you over the coming weeks.
For other additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning including Joe Wicks daily P.E. workouts, reading with David Walliams, Maths with Carol Vorderman and much more. There are also additional resources uploaded to our Google Classroom for you to access. Drumgor’s Daily Challenges also return this week so keep an eye on our school Facebook each day and enjoy joining in the fun.
Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. If you would like to make an appearance on the school Facebook page on Friday, please send me photos of you working hard throughout the week and I will forward them to Mrs Quinn to add to her Friday Facebook post. I hope you have another great week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for week beginning Monday 20th April
Welcome back P3O'H! I hope you had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Google Classroom – If you haven’t already, please follow the step by step instructions on the class page on the school website to access our online classroom. Leave a quick message to say hello so I know who has been able to login successfully. If you are still having difficulty logging in, please email me using the email address provided in the learning pack. We hope to start using this more over the coming weeks.
Weekly Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 24 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Reading - free access to Collins Big Cat Books using the link in ‘Useful links' in our class page on the school website. Please read as much as possible within your current reading level/band. You could possibly ask an adult to read with you and ask you questions afterwards to test your comprehension (understanding). If you feel you are ready (can read with fluency and good comprehension), you might want to try reading some books from the next level/band. If you are finding your current level/band challenging, please don’t feel you have to move. It is ok to stay at a level/band you are comfortable reading. It is important to enjoy reading.
Punctuation and Grammar - practise your punctuation and grammar skills with this ‘Small Town Superheroes’ game, This is a great way of revising all our previous learning in P3. It focuses on sentence structure, capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and much more.
Spring booklet – Continue learning about Spring by completing the next 4 pages of literacy activities based on the seasonal changes and the life cycle of a frog.
Numeracy – We will be focusing on column addition (adding tens and units) this week. This will be without carrying. Remember to start with adding the units and then the tens to find your answer. This video link has been added to help explain this, Have a go at trying some column addition at home with pencil and paper. You could even be creative and think of other ways to record your work like using chalk out in your garden etc. I will add a worksheet to our Google Classroom on Wednesday of this week that you can try if you would like extra practise. (It will be covered again whenever we are back in school, so please don't stress if you feel your child is finding this difficult.)
Shape – Please revise the names and properties (how many sides and corners) of 2D shapes. You could go on a shape hunt around your house and garden.
Fractions- Please find ways of practising finding half of shapes and numbers at home. You could draw 2D shapes on paper or with chalk in your garden and colour half the shape. You could count objects in your house and then work out half. E.g. Why not count the number of pencils you have and then work out how many you would have if you give half of them away?
Phonics booklet – Each child will be at different stages in this booklet, so revise previous sounds completed so far and complete at your leisure throughout the coming weeks.
Mathletics - access your Mathletics account at home and try to build up points towards achieving certificates. Let’s see if P3O'H children can enter the top 10 this week for their efforts. Top achievers and classes will be announced every Friday on the school Facebook page.
BBC Bitesize are beginning a new Schools programme today (20th April) and I think it would be very useful. Please feel free to take a look at it for extra activities. The link is in ‘Useful Links’ on our class page on the school website.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning including Joe Wicks daily P.E. workouts, reading with David Walliams, Maths with Carol Vorderman and much more.
Remember, if you have any questions or need to contact me, you can leave a message on our Google Classroom or you can email me using the email address on the cover page in your home learning pack. Enjoy learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Easter Holidays
During the Easter holidays enjoy your well deserved break. If you would like to continue learning at home please finish your Easter booklet from your Learning pack. I have also added an additional Easter Activity booklet to Google Classroom yesterday for you to work through if you wish to.
Also please take the time to watch Drumgor's very special Online Easter Assembly that has been uploaded to the school's Facebook page. It has been beautifully put together with some lovely messages, music, artwork and prayer for you all to enjoy.
Stay safe and remember to continue to wash your hands regularly.
Happy Easter Everyone :)
Recommended activities for week beginning Monday 30th March
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 23 in booklet). You could ask an adult or sibling to test you on your spellings at the end of the week.
Easter booklet – please continue to work through the Literacy and Maths activities at your leisure. We sadly didn’t get a chance to perform our Easter assembly, but you might want to perform our Easter songs for your family.
Phonics booklet – Revise previous sounds completed throughout the booklet so far and complete the next 4 pages (a page per day)
Weather – continue with our topic of 'Weather' by observing the weather daily. If you started a weather chart last week to record the weather, please continue this. You could also watch the daily weather forecast on the television or internet. You might even want to try performing your own weather forecast for your family.
Spring booklet – complete the next 4 pages (one page daily). You could also get creative and make a spring picture using pencils, paint, chalk or natural resources you can find in your garden.
Reading - free access to Collins Big Cat Books using the link in ‘Useful links' in our class page on the school website. Please read as much as possible within your current reading level/band. You could possibly ask an adult to read with you and ask you questions afterwards to test your comprehension (understanding). After Easter, you will be moving on to the next level/band to challenge your reading and comprehension.
Mathletics - access your Mathletics account at home and try build up points towards achieving certificates. Let’s see if P3O'H children can enter the top 10 this week for their efforts. Top achievers and classes will be announced every Friday on the school Facebook page.
Facebook Daily Challenge – Keep an eye on the school Facebook page for daily challenges that you can get involved in. Please send any pictures by 5pm each day to allow time for them to be uploaded to our school Facebook page.
For additional activities please click on ‘Useful Links' where you will find websites and suggestions to extend your learning including Joe Wicks daily P.E. workouts, reading with David Walliams, Maths with Carol Vorderman and much more.
Enjoy your second week learning from home and I will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. 😊
Recommended activities for week beginning Monday 23rd March
Spellings - Learn weekly spellings and complete weekly spelling activities (Week 22 in booklet)
Easter booklet – Over the next two weeks, please work through this Literacy and Maths booklet at your leisure.
Phonics booklet – Revise previous sounds completed throughout the booklet so far and complete the next 4 pages (a page per day)
Weather – continue with our topic of 'Weather' by observing the weather daily. You could possibly make your own weather chart to record the weather or research the weather in different places around the country/world.
Spring booklet – complete the first 4 pages (one page daily). You could also take a spring walk around your garden and explore the seasonal changes.
Reading - free access to Collins Big Cat Books using the login details on the link in 'Useful Links'. Please read as much as possible within your current reading level/band. You could possibly ask an adult to read with you and ask you questions afterwards to test your comprehension (understanding). After Easter, you will be moving on to the next level/band to challenge your reading and comprehension.
For additional activities please remember you can access your Mathletics account at home and try build up points towards achieving certificates. Or you can check out some of the links and suggestions that I have uploaded to our class page on the website.