Welcome to P1/2
Our teacher is Mrs Brown / Mrs King.
Our classroom assistant is Mrs Crooks.
Welcome to our class website page.
Here you will find information about our class and photos of what we are getting up to.
We hope you enjoy this little snapshot into our learning.
Parents will also be kept up to date through the Seesaw app.
Fun Day Photos P1/2
Primary 1 and 2 Zoo Trip
Sports Day Winners
Mathletics Gold!
This years Gold Certificate Winners this year, well done!
Coronation Fun
If I Were King..........
Bible Adventures
It’s Snowing!
Spring Blossom Time!
World Book Day
P2. Art Gallery
Shared Education Week 2
Mathletics Winners!
We are delighted so many children are beginning to use Mathletics.
This is a great programme for improving all areas of maths. last week all the children gained their bronze certificate.
Shared Education
Once again we are working with our partners Tullygally Primary School. The Primary 1/2 B project is focusing on Outdoor learning. Today may have been cold but the children wrapped up well and enjoyed exploring on the outdoor play area with their new friends.
W5 Christmas Experience
We ventured on a big bus to Belfast to W5 for their Christmas Experience. Everyone had a great day…we had our snack and a picnic packed lunch. We got to play through the different levels of W5 and enjoyed their Christmas movie experience. We even had a special visit from Santa himself! 🎅🏼
Everyone had a great day and we were all tired out on the bus journey home.
Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day
We had a lovely festive day in our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed Christmas crafts and dinner. 🎅🏼🎄
Christmas is coming…
Christmas has arrived in P1/2. 🎄
We have had fun helping to decorate our classroom Christmas tree and play based activities in our new Santa’s Workshop role play area.
We took part in our school Santa Run and wore our Christmas jumpers and accessories outside. 🎅🏼
We are looking forward to lots of Christmas fun over the next few weeks. 🎅🏼🎄
Come and join the Celebration
As part of our new topic we have been learning about different celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. 🥳
We decided to plan our own party. We made a list of all of the things we needed to do, we made decorations and buns, wrote invitations and delivered our invitation to our special guest…Mrs Martin from the office.
On our party day we enjoyed some games and our party snack.
We also enjoyed party themed play based activities such as our bakery and chocolate scented play dough. 🍫😋
Ditch the Dark Day
To kickstart the start of our Sustrans ‘Journery to Santa’ challenge we had a Ditch the Dark Day. We all came to school in bright colours and some of us took part in a walking bus to school in the morning. 🔦
As it was also anti bullying week we wore odd socks to school to show our support. 🧦
Halloween in P1/2
We have been getting in the Halloween spirit by carving pumpkins and enjoying Halloween play activities. We had a dress up day and parade with the whole school outside - it was great fun seeing everyone’s costumes. We made ghost biscuits for our Halloween party snack.
Family Fortunes
We made lollipop noises and drew our family inside. We also made badges with all of our favourite things as we talked about belonging and how people knew who we are.
Autumn leaves are falling
We went on an autumn walk to collect autumn leaves, we also collected apples from our school apple trees. We then made apple prints and enjoyed looking at our autumn treasure.
Sorting for colour
P1 have been enjoying practicing their sorting skills by sorting for colour, size and shape.
Outdoor play
We have been enjoying exploring our outdoor play area. We have opportunities to dig and play in the mud and sand, play in the mud kitchen, practice our drawing and writing on the chalk board and balance on the tyres and crates.
PE Fun in the hall
We have been so excited to get back to PE in the assembly hall. We look forward to our PE days every Tuesday and Friday.
As part of our Family Fortunes topic our P1s have been painting self portraits.
Welcome to P1/2
We have been settling into our new classroom, making friends and getting to know each other through play.