Welcome to P1/2 B
Our teacher is Mrs Brown.
Our classroom assistant is Mrs Crooks.
Here you will find information about our class and photos of what we get up to.
We are looking forward to having a great year together in P1/2 B.
Fluttering visitors in P1/2
There are some furry, creepy crawly visitors in our classroom.
We have 5 baby caterpillars. We will watch them grow over the next few weeks and learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have been painting butterflies and learning about the symmetry of their wings.
Keep checking for photos added to this block as our butterflies grow. 🐛🦋
Soaking up the sun
We have been making the most of the sunshine to enjoy our new playground equipment at break time and the climbing frame in our outdoor play area.☀️
Spring has sprung
We have been welcoming Spring into our classroom and putting our green fingers to use.
First up we are carrying out an experiment. We have planted 3 hyacinth bulbs - one with water and sunlight, one with no water and sunlight and one with water but no sunlight. We then made our guesses on which one will grow first and what colour it will be.
We then plants sunflower seeds and once they start to sprout we will take them home to look after them.
Finally we have planted a tray of grass seed to grow our own field. When it is ready we will be able to play with our mini field during our play based learning.
999 Emergency!
Our WAU topic is the Emergency Services. We have enjoyed learning more about each of the emergency services and were very kindly sent a video from Whitla Fire Station in Belfast showing us around their fire engine and their special uniform.
We have been practicing our writing skills and got creative with some junk art fire engines. 🚒
Happy Easter
We had great fun on our last day of term with an Easter party and hunting for chocolate East3 lollies in the playground. We hope everyone has a lovely Easter break.🐣🐥🥳
Easter fun in P1/2
We have been enjoying lots of Easter fun in our classroom from Easter activities during play based learning to Easter crafts. We have also made Easter nests for our Easter party on the last day of term and are looking forward to an Easter egg hunt 🐣🐥🥳
Home Learning
Everyone has been working so hard over the past few weeks during home learning. It has been great to get lots of photos to see what everyone is up to.
We have been learning about ice and winter, making bird feeders, learning about money and P2 have continued to work hard on their spellings and sums each week.
Fun in the Snow
It was great to see everyone enjoying the snow at home. We loved seeing your photos of snowmen, snow angels and snowball fights ❄️🥶☃️
Christmas fun in P1/2
We have enjoyed lots of festive fun this week. Making Christmas cards and spiral trees, having a Christmas party with lots of yummy food and dancing and a special visitor who brought us all a candy cane. 🎅🏼
We would like to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and we will see you in the New Year 🌟
Christmas Dinner
We had a yummy Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. We all looked so festive in our lovely Christmas attire 🎄
Christmas has arrived in P1/2
We have moved from celebrations into Christmas as our new topic. We all helped to decorate our Christmas tree and have been enjoying lots of Christmas crafts and play activities 🎄
We have been learning about Celebrations as our topic. We learnt about lots of celebrations like Halloween, Bonfire Night and Birthdays. Then we planned our own class party. We had great fun making buns and party crowns, dancing with the bubble machine and making invitations and cards.
Children in Need
We celebrated Children in Need in school with a non uniform day and some Pudsey colouring in our class. Look at our lovely Pudsey outfits.
Book Week Winners
We celebrated Book Week a week early with a colouring in competition. Everyone in our class tried their very best and made it very difficult to judge.
Well done to our P1 and P2 winner!
Maths Week
This week we celebrated Maths week with lots of fun practical activities and also with 2 Silver certificates awarded in our class.
Superheroes in P1/2
Our topic in school is Superheroes. We have been talking about the different super powers we would like to have if we were superheroes and playing superheroes in our role play and small world areas. We have designed our own superheroes and made superhero masks. Here we are showing off our colourful masks and striking some superhero poses.
Healthy Snack
Everyone has been enjoying our healthy snacks in school each day.
We get a selection of fruits and vegetables along with pancakes, crackers and cheese, brioche rolls, ham and cheese muffins and toast.
I am sure you will agree everyone looks like they are enjoying their snack!
Play Based Learning in P1/2 B
Play time is our favorite time of the day! Everyone has lots of areas to chose from to play with their friends both inside and outside. The Role play area and outside are the most popular!
First days for P1
We have welcomed our P1s into our class and they are settling well into our routines. Our P2s have been great helpers at showing them where everything is in our classroom.