Home Page

Home Learning Area

Welcome to the Home Learning Section of our website.


This is where I shall post details of the tasks I would like you to complete each week. Some of these tasks will be completed on Google Classroom whilst others will use the resources you received in your Home Learning Pack. 


Separately, I have provided several links to other helpful websites which I would encourage you to use to vary and support your learning.


Keep checking the content as I shall be adding further information over the forthcoming days and weeks.

Two important points to note:

Google Classroom login

Remember you must type your username using this format: then add your password (spring20).


Accelerated Reader

Please continue to read as much as possible every day and try to take an AR quiz once each week.


Accelerated Reader quizzes can now be accessed from home using the URL: but quizzes can only be accessed from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm on Monday to Friday.


Use the 'Useful Links' to access Readon (this is linked to AR), Collins and Libraries NI, all of which provide many opportunities to read at home.





