Welcome back Primary 3!
I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 26th August. While Mrs O'Hara is enjoying time at home with her beautiful baby girl I will be your teacher this year!
My name is Mrs Eakin and I'm sure you will recognise me from last year when I was working in Primary 1,2, and 3.
Please arrive between 9.10 and 9.20 am.
You will be going home between 1.50 and 2.00 pm.
Remember you must bring a packed lunch! There will be no food available in the canteen.
You do not need to bring a school bag, I will have everything you need in school for you!
I am really looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Mrs Eakin
End of Year Message for P3O’H
Just a quick message to say thank you for all your hard work over the year, especially from March with home learning. Thank you for taking the time to complete the activities in your home learning pack, on Google Classroom and from the school website. I think all of our ICT skills have improved greatly.
Thank you for your beautiful cards and gifts; that was very generous of you. I would also like to say a special thank you for the personal video that was created for me with your lovely messages. What an incredibly thoughtful thing to do. I absolutely loved it and I was very emotional watching it. It was lovely to see your faces and hear your voices again.
You have been a wonderful P3 class and I wish you all the very best for P4. I'm sure you will really enjoy being in Mrs Quinn’s class.
If any of you have not collected your reports or belongings from school, please do so as soon as possible as the building will close for summer.
Enjoy your summer holidays!
I’m so proud I was your teacher.
I’ve watched you learn and grow.
We worked so hard and had such fun.
How fast the time did go!
Our year was interrupted,
And it seemed too soon to part.
Just know that you will always,
Have a special place within my heart!
From Mrs O'Hara
Attention All Parents
Please see information below regarding dates and times for the collection of end of year reports, workbooks and belongings.
Wednesday 24th June- Nursery, P1, P2 & P3 (from external classroom doors) 10.00-12.00
Thursday 25th June P4 + P5 (from senior playground) 10.00-12.00
Friday 26th June P6 + P7 (from senior playground) 10.00-12.00
Parents with more than one pupil, who wish to collect their items together, should do so on the allocated day of their eldest child. We would ask that you confirm this with their individual teachers, to ensure that the reports and books are passed on. Please note- strict social distancing must be adhered to at all times. We look forward to seeing you all.
Take Care
Important Information for Parents
Teacher: Mrs O’Hara
Classroom Assistant: Miss Stevenson
P3O’H will have P.E. on a Monday and Thursday. Children may come to school wearing the school tracksuit on P.E. days only.
P.E. kit – All children are required to change for P.E. and therefore need the following kit
White t-shirt Black shorts Black plimsolls
Please note all dinner money must be paid on the first day of the school week. Correct money should be in an envelope marked with the child’s name, days on which dinner is being taken and the amount of money enclosed.
Please remember to send in a healthy snack each day. Alternatively, fruit is available each day in school for 30p.
Homework consists of spellings, tables and reading (Monday –Thursday evening). Homework should be completed and return the following day. Additional Literacy and Maths homework will start after the Halloween holidays.
In P3 the children’s test book will be sent home every Friday. Please look at how well your child performed on their Friday test, sign the bottom of the page and return on Monday morning.
Looking forward to a great year ahead!
Mrs O’Hara