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Monday 18th May





This week we are beginning to learn about adding tens and units when we need to carry accross from one column to the next.


e.g. T U 

       2 6

  +   3  5



This will be covered again in Primary 4 for all children. 

If you can use the links here and within Google Classroom thats great!  

If its too difficult at the minute, don't worry!




We are revising o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

You will find activities on pages 14 - 18 of your workbook 2.


Remeber to keep using mathletics and working on any other booklets in your pack.



Some suggestions for this week:

  • Spellings week 27
  • Write a letter to your class friends. 

           You could complete on Google classroom, write it on a page, or complete on word and email to me.


  • was / were ( see below)
  • Where milk comes from.

         Use the set of pictures in learning pack to find out about how milk is made.


  • Remember to keep reading!
  • You can continue to work on phonics book and literacy activities in Home learning pack.

Water Woman: A Superhero

WAU: The story Of Milk


We would like you to investigate where milk comes from.

Use the links below but you could also do your own research on the internet. 

Remember to send me some great work for me to display on our class page .
