I hope you have all enjoyed the half term break!
I definitely think pupils, parents and teachers were all ready for it.
We’ve had the good news that P1 -P3 will be back in school on 8th March and I hope the children are looking forward to this.
I had been hoping that by this stage I would have had more definite information about the provision of home learning packs but I’m in school tomorrow so maybe I’ll find out more.
Until then we will provide online learning activities.
These will be on Seesaw where children can complete the activities online.
I will also have activities on our website.
These will be activities which are suitable for printing and completing on paper. There will also be links to videos and websites.
For the next day or so I’ll outline our learning as below.
I know this is not as detailed as usual but I will provide more information as the week goes on.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Mrs King