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Mrs McCusker

I would like to say a fond farewell to all of my P7s. You really have been a pleasure to teach and I will really miss you. I know that you will all be very successful in your new schools. Enjoy your summer holidays and you are very welcome to come back and see us in September. Mucha suerte!

Carlingford 2018. We all had a fantastic time and all children were so well behaved. Great memories of their last P7 trip.

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25th May

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Healthy Kidz Ambassador this week - 25th May

COMPETITION WINNERS! These pupils were awarded certificates for their short stories in the Young Writers competion, Their stories are also going to be published in a book. Well done!

We have been studying the local artist Keith Drury. This is a collage we made inspired by his work.

Building Bridges With Spaghetti and Marshmallows. Friday 18th May.

Congratulations to our P7 pupils who made their Confirmation on Friday 4th May. We hope you all enjoyed the service. You all look fantastic.

Congratulations on making your Confirmation.

Investigating Bridges! Thursday 10th May

Wednesday, 18th April. Today 7McC were all out taking part in the Big Spring Clean. It was a real team effort as we were joined by the Deputy lord mayor, local Councillors and Tullygally school. We picked up a lot of rubbish in Craigavon and put it in to the correct recycling bags.We hope that everyone takes pride in their area and this can all start by not littering. #LoveHereLiveHere#

Welcome back for our last term as P7 in Drumgor.

A reminder that our PE is now Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Our Topic this term is ' Bridges'

Well done to our Silver Mathletics Certificate winner this week - 13th April

Happy Easter from P7McC. We are looking forward to starting our summer term on 9th April.

Congratulations to our 2 pupils who were awarded Silver Mathletics certificates. Well done girls!

World Book Day, Friday 16th March. We enjoyed listening to stories by Janet Compton and also we had our paired reading with P1D.

Congratulations to our Healthy Kidz Ambassador this week, 15th March.

Phew! 7McC worked really hard doing Buddy's Big Workout! It was great fun!

We all enjoyed listening to Joe Brennan's storytelling at The Market Place Theatre Armagh. Friday 9th march

We are all enjoying learning about Japan. Look at our wonderful paintings!

Pancake Tuesday. What fun it was making and eating the pancakes!

P7 McC have won the Healthy Break award for the second month running!!!!! Well done everyone and well done to all parents for providing your children with healthy snacks.

Healthy Break Winners January 2018

February, Mathletics - A huge congratulations to all those pupils of 7McC who have already achieved a Bronze Certificate in Mathletics. Keep up the good work!

Healthy Kidz certificates awarded at our Celebration Assembly on Friday, 9th February.

Brownlow Transition Day

Thursday, 18th January, P7 went to Brownlow for their Transition Day. They met teachers and had a tour of the school. They also had Numeracy , Literacy and Drama lessons before enjoying lunch in the school canteen.

All pupils really enjoyed the day and got to experience what a day in High school was like.

The staff in Brownlow were very impressed with our children and wanted me to pass on the message that their behaviour and manners were exemplary. They also said that they were to be commended for their enthusiasm and willingness to participate in the lessons.

Well done P7 pupils! We are very proud of you all. You are a credit to both the school and your parents.

Mrs Mc keown brought all pupils up in our  Celebration Assembly this morning where they all got a well deserved round of applause.



Fair Testing. We enjoyed carrying out our experiment to see if salt water made a difference to whether items floated or sank. Interesting results, especially with the eggs and glasses. They floated in salt water but sank in fresh water. WHY? Adding salt made the water more dense.

Happy New Year to all! What a way to start 2018. 7McC have won the Healthy Eating Award. Well done everyone and thank you to all parents who continue to provide their child with a healthy snack.

Friday 15th December. We have just been to see the fabuous movie 'Star'. We are getting so excited for Christmas as this afternoon we have our Craft Fair.

Problem Solving with Izak 9.

December, 4th. Eigi, our elf arrived on Monday morning. He is getting more mischevious by the day!

On Tuesday, 28th November we went on our YMCA reward trip to Jumpbox. We were joined by The Model Primary School. Such a great time we had.

Y Time My Time. On Tuesday, 21st November we finished our 10 week programme with the YMCA. These are our frames we made. They show what is important to us now and what our hopes are for the future. Thank you Jamie & Megan.

An interesting day for us in Brownlow. We learnt such a lot at the STEM day. Science is fun! We even learnt how to programme a robot.

What an exciting morning! P7 went to Easons to meet a famous author, ALAN NOLAN. He told us lots of funny stories which inspired him to write his books. He gave us a lesson on how to illustrate and he read us a chapter from his new book, 'Sam Hannigan's Woof Week.' Some of us bought a copy of the book and he very kindly signed it for us.

noPE ; Thursday

Swimming - Friday

Happy Halloween everyone! After the walking bus this morning and our Halloween fun day we are all looking forward to our Halloween break. Can I just remind parents to please return the signed permission slip for children to go and meet the author Alan Nolan in Easons, 6th November. Have a great holiday, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 6th November.

After Storm Ophelia passed through, 7McC delivered a wonderful Harvest Assembly. Well done to everyone! You all performed so well. Thank you to all the parents who came to watch. I am sure, like me, you were very proud.

Friday 13th October. We are really enjoying reading to P1D.

P7 McC 2017-2018

A warm welcome back to all of our P7 pupils. Mrs Breen and myself are really looking forward to a successful and happy school year. A huge thank you to all parents who have made sure that all our children look so smart in their new uniforms. I hope that you take time to visit our page during the course of the year as we will be sharing events and pupils' work.

Starting to build the Titanic

Paired Reading, Friday 29th September.Today we started our paired reading with Mrs Downing's class. What fun it was to read all the story books to the younger children.

Today, Tuesday 26th September, P7 McC had our first PDMU session with Megan and Jamie from the YMCA. We enjoyed our ice breakers and learnt a lot of new and interesting facts about each other.
