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Mrs Rodgers

Welcome to Primary 7


2017 -18



Reminders:  Thursday - Healthy Kids

               Friday -   Swimming

                           Weekly Tests 



Sustrans Writing Competition

Josh Harvey won this scooter for writing a wonderful poem about travelling to school on wheels.


Construction Game

We built rockets, cages and a snowman.

Building Bridges


Yesterday we built bridges using spaghetti and marshmallows. Our task was to build a bridge that could support a toy car for 5 seconds.

Making Lava Lamps

World Book Day



Our 'Positive Future Portrait Frames' that we made with the Y.M.C.A.  

Big Buddy Workout

Armagh Theatre Visit

Primary 7 visited Armagh Theatre for storytelling with Joe Brennan.  




We had a very successful inter class P7 Debate on "Should we wear school uniforms."



Shared Education


On our final session at Tullygally we looked at Japanese homes, schools and food.  We even had the chance to taste some Japanese food! 

Daruma Dolls


We made Daruma dolls out of clay and painted them. They are said to be a Buddha God who lost the use of his legs because he sat and meditated for nine years!!!! It is a doll to make a wish on. Only the eye is initially painted black and when your wish comes true you paint in the other eye.



The YMCA are in our class each Monday. We are looking at the issues of self-esteem, confidence, and bullying. We were reminded that bullying is wrong and can have a long term effect on us.

Bird Feeders

We made bird feeders out of scrap materials and hung them up on trees in the school grounds.


P2 Visit

Primary 2 visited our class with the books they had written about bears.

Using Style

We are using Style to help with our phonic work.  



Shared Education


During our second session of Shared Education with Tullygally School we looked at Culture and Tradition. We worked in pairs and groups to create posters and to complete a comparison chart between Northern Ireland and Japan. We also made Daruma dolls out of clay.  

    Transition Day 


The Primary 7's were in Brownlow College on a transition day. We experienced literacy and numeracy lessons and had a tour of the school.   

Diversity Board


Look at our wonderful display of Diversity Posters which we made at our 1st Shared Education activity in Tullygally.

Shared Education


We are at Shared Education with Tullygally. Yesterday we met with their Primary 7 class. We are looking at diversity through the theme of similarities and differences. Our topic is "Japan: Understanding cultural and traditional diversity." We made posters and Japanese fans with our names written on them in Japanese.  

Geometric Shapes


Today we built 2D and 3D geometric shapes with Construct - O - Straws.

Making our Memory Boxes


Christmas Crafts


Easons Visit

On Monday 6th November we went to Easons to meet the author and illustrator Alan Nolan.  

Sentinus Technology Day in Brownlow College



We had a brilliant time building our Titanic ships. They are now on display in the school.



Making Our Own Titanic Ships

We brought in lots of boxes and card to build our own Titanic ships. Some of us worked on our own and some of us chose to work with a partner. We had to plan how we were going to build the ship and how we would join it together. We used lots and lots of sellotape and masking tape. We have now constructed the ships and we will soon be painting them and adding on funnels, windows and life boats. So far they look brilliant!   












Almost finished!!


















Paired Reading


Every Friday afternoon we go down to the Primary 1 class of Mrs Hughes for Paired Reading. We buddy up with the pupils and read to them. It is really good fun. They listen well and we get a chance to practice being a teacher! A library book is chosen and we read through it discussing with the pupils the story, the words and the pictures.











In Literacy we have been studying genre. We worked in pairs to write a fairy tale. We had to include all the elements that are in a fairy tale. It was great fun and our stories are fabulous. We dipped them in coffee to make them look really old.









During a P.D.M.U lesson we worked in pairs trying to work out the best way to sort out different situations that we may find ourselves in. e.g. one situation was "Your best friend cannot come round to play," another was "You are new to school and don't know anybody."









Our Assembly


We had our Assembly on Friday 29th September. We talked about working hard this year and always trying our best.







Healthy Kidz


We have Healthy Kidz on a Thursday afternoon. It is super fun as we get to play lots of games that help to improve our balance, stamina, speed and strength.  









Curriculum Information Term 1 2017
