Learning At Home
I hope by now you have received your activity books from school.
Most of our activities will be based on these activities reinforced by online interactive activities.
Parents feel free to mark the work yourself but it would also be great to see what you are doing by sending me a photo on Seesaw. If this is done from the child’s account then it will be added to their work portfolio.
Every child learns and works at their own pace.
Please work at a pace which suits your child and your family circumstances.
Work can be carried over to the next week without a problem.
The most important thing is to help your child enjoy the activities and feel positive about themselves.
Work for short periods of time followed by a break which is often a great motivation to complete activities.
Not all activities may suit your child’s ability. If it is too difficult then we would like you to offer support but then it is better to leave it than cause stress at home.
I hope you enjoy this work and feel free to contact me on SeeSaw at any time.
Mrs King
Primary 3 Homework
This year we have made changes in an effort to minimise the amount of books coming to and from school each day. On a Monday, a folder will be sent home with your child. This must be returned on a Friday so that it can be quarantined over the weekend and safely prepared for the following week.
On-line homework will be encouraged this year as they are safe and paper free. There are many excellent websites which we hope to use and these will be listed as a homework. We do understand that some children may not have access to PC’s/ tablets.
This week, we intend to ease children back in gently to completing homework by only giving Spellings/Tables each night.
We have now moved to online reading books at Collins E-books. Each child will be assigned reading books suitable for their reading level. See link above.
We would also promote use of the ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ programme at home, accessible on PC/tablet devices. Access to this fantastic programme will be free through our school account. Pupil login details will be sent home.
Please continue to read books as much as possible at home with your child. There are excellent ebooks available on-line on websites such as ‘Twinkl.’
Spellings & Tables
Each week, pupils will be given a set of spellings and tables, appropriate for their ability to be learned.
Monday-Wednesday - A ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ approach to learning spellings is recommended, with children writing each spelling out 3 times in their homework book. Children are also expected to fill in the answers for their number facts, as they learn them.
Thursday - Please revise ALL spellings & tables for that week.
Another important part of your child’s homework this year will
be regular use of Mathletics to further develop their numeracy skills and consolidate their learning within school. A reminder of pupil login details will be sent home next week.
We hope to introduce you to Seesaw this year, which can be accessed via PC/tablet devices. Each child will receive login details/instructions and will have access to activities chosen by the teacher for completion.
We feel that Seesaw will be essential as a communication/home learning tool in the event of a localised lockdown due to COVID 19. It is therefore beneficial that pupils become familiar with this over the incoming weeks and months.
Other excellent resources that we may draw your attention to within homework throughout the year are Topmarks (great for maths work) and Twinkl.
Please continue to regularly check our class page on the school website as another valuable means of communication regarding your child’s learning throughout the year.
We look forward to a great year ahead in Primary 3 and thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation regarding this new approach to homework.
Best wishes
Mrs King and Mrs Eakin