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P2 Mrs Brown

Welcome to P2


Our teacher is Mrs Brown.

Our classroom assistants are Mrs Crooks (Mrs Breen), Miss Mallon, Miss Magennis and Miss Parnham.



🎉Come and join the Celebration🎉


As part of our topic we have been learning about different celebrations and we learned how to plan a party. We made a to do list and crossed each job off as we prepared.

We made decorations and party hats. We also made an ingredients list for Rice Krispie buns an£ made them. We wrote invitations and invited Mrs Chambers. We had great fun on our party day showing off our dance moves. 🍫🎈

Hip Psychology


Carlos and Tommy from Hip Psychology came to talk to us about being a good friend. We had great fun playing games and dancing. 😊

💛Children in Need💛


We supported Children in Need with a non uniform day and a special visit from Pudsey.

🎃 Happy Halloween from P2B 🎃

🍎🍏Autumn Apples🍎🍏


We had a visitor called Mrs Cartmill. She came to tell us all about apples. We heard where they grow and how they grow. She brought her friend WALT to to tell us all about it.

We all got a special apple sticker and an eating apple from her orchard to take home.

We also had a ‘Design an Apple Character’ competition and the winners got special prizes and some cooking apples to take home. 😋

Learning through Play Indoors and Outdoors

