Home Page

Term 1

'Just2Easy' Christmas Cards! ⭐️

Dream Space: Minecraft Educator Coding Session! 💻 

P5/6 J Santa Daily Mile! 🎅

P5/6J Visits Brownlow Library! 📚

Rounding Decimal Places! 🎲

Anti-Bullying Week and Meeting Pudsy!

⛳️ Golf Ireland Taster Session! ⛳️

🍂 Autumn Adjectives 🍂

🌍 World Around Us: 'Invaders and Settlers' Tepee Art/Craft 🌎

Recognising 2D Lines of Symmetry (An investigative study) 🔎

Doubling tens and hundreds! 🌟

European Day of Languages (Country Factfiles) 👏

P5 'Love for Life' Session on Internet Safety! 🌟

Rounding in tens and hundreds 👏

Place Value and identifying the value of a given digit ⭐️
